We are talking about biblical soul care from a bit of a different perspective today, and that is the perspective from the pews. Biblical soul care shouldn’t remain solely with your staff; it needs to reach all the way to the pews.
My friend and co-worker, Christi Thach, has a God-glorifying story about trusting the Church when she was going through a difficult time. Christi is also our Process Innovation Manager at BCM and has a Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology with a major in Family Studies. She has been supporting biblical soul care in her church and surrounding area since 2016.
In this episode, you’ll hear Christi’s personal experience of receiving biblical soul care, what she wishes pastors would know about their congregation, some of the unseen ways we can care for our congregation, and more!
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Key Takeaways
- Biblical soul care is hope-filled. The core of what we do is offering the hope of the Gospel to broken, hurting people. Biblical soul care should be marked by loving, caring concern. It should never heap condemnation or “pile on” to people who are already hurting.
- It is necessary to help one another. We tend to do a good job attending to our congregations’ physical hurts and needs. But how often are we caring for the “hidden” parts of their lives? Their emotions, struggles, and things we can’t see on a Sunday morning.
- Acknowledge the difference between a ministry and a culture. A culture is something that is participated in at all levels. It almost becomes second nature to us. Whereas a ministry focuses the responsibility on just a handful of people. By creating a culture of biblical soul care, the burden is shared by many people.
Meet Christi
Christi Thach has been the Process Innovation Manager for Biblical Counseling Ministries since March 2023. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Ecology with a major in Family Studies from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. She has been supporting biblical SoulCare™ in her church and the area since 2016. Christi and her husband, Keith, have been married since 1998 and have two adult sons. Together, they attend Bethany Community Church in Washington, IL.