Episode 34: The Unmaking of Psychiatry, Part 2 (with Kari Gross & Ben Holman)

by | Nov 5, 2024

We are back for part two continuing our discussion of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry. The author, Gary Greenberg, gives an account of the history behind the DSM and his behind-the-scenes reporting of the deeply flawed process by which the DSM-5 has been revised.

My teammates, Kari Gross and Ben Holman once again join me for this conversation. In this episode, we continue our discussion on The Book of Woe, why so many put their faith in the DSM, why many seek a diagnosis for their suffering, where to place our hope, and much more.

Listen in!


Key Takeaways

  1. Remember that Jesus is the true solution. We can forget that the world is broken and we will experience hardship and suffering. These things are an expected result of The Fall. It’s important to check our worldview to ensure we are viewing things through this lens. When we fail to do this we often turn to medications to solve this “problem” rather than to our Savior.
  2. Differentiate between sin and disease. Too often in secular psychology, they replace sin with a label of a disease. As Christians, we need to exercise caution when labeling something a sin that isn’t clearly done so in Scripture. And, we need to use caution about slapping the label of disease on something without examining our hearts.
  3. Anyone can develop a passion to see lives changed. The call to care for the souls of people is not just for pastors or those who have received training but for all Christians. We should all seek to be familiar with how to counsel others and develop a culture of SoulCare.


Meet Kari

Kari Gross has been an executive assistant for Biblical Counseling Ministries since March 2022. She has an MA in Biblical Counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary and holds a certification from the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). Kari and her husband, Brett, have four children and live in Bloomington, Illinois where they attend Immanuel Baptist Church.



Meet Ben

Ben Holman is a Physician Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery, the Supervising and Lead Counselor at Biblical Counseling Ministries, and the Director of Biblical Counseling at New Castle Bible Church. Ben holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling and ACBC certification. He attends New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw, Illinois with his wife, Ailey, and their six children.

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