Episode 21: Wrestling with the Psychologies (with Dr. Ernie Baker)

by | May 7, 2024

In today’s conversation, we are taking on the topic of psychologies and how that interacts with Biblical Counseling.

Dr. Ernie Baker serves as the Pastor of Counseling Supervision and Equipping at First Baptist of Jacksonville. He has a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary and is a professor at The Master’s University, where he serves as the chair of the online Biblical Counseling program.

In this episode, we discuss psychologies, what the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is, how to work out your convictions regarding these topics, and the sufficiency of Scripture. You won’t want to miss this conversation, especially if you have not yet wrestled with your own viewpoint on the topic of psychology.


Key Takeaways

1. We must determine how we interact with the mental health world. Every church has at least one person with a diagnosis from the DSM. The Bible has a lot to say about the mind and mental health. It is our job as pastors and shepherds to care for our congregation’s hearts, minds, and souls. As such, we need to wrestle with our convictions regarding the psychologies.

2. The Bible is a complete belief system. This means we do not have to integrate with the secular psychologies. If we as pastors and counselors believe this, then we need to be consistent with what we affirm as our doctrine. We uphold the Bible and it does not require anything be added to it. Our counseling system should be consistent with our doctrine.

3. Biblical Counseling strengthens the church community. One of the ways that Biblical Counseling offers an advantage over a psychologist is how it strengthens and draws from the church community. A psychologist must rely on their own perception and knowledge in treating a patient. Biblical SoulCare draws on multiple members of the church, involves ongoing relationships, builds community, and supports the individual long-term.


Meet Ernie

Dr. Ernie Baker has a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary and serves as the Pastor of Counseling Supervision and Equipping at First Baptist of Jacksonville where he helps oversee pastoral care and the Grace Center for Biblical Counseling. Dr. Baker is also a professor at The Master’s University where he serves as the chair of the online Biblical Counseling program. He is passionate about people and serving them for the glory of God and the relevance of the Bible for the many counseling issues humans face.

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