Dear Friends,
Have you ever imagined what it might be like to pastor a church?
The desire to shepherd others in discipling one another, to see them growing and transforming, to see them reflecting the love and mercy of our Great Shepherd filled your very being. As the months and years go by, you may find yourself discouraged, stretched thin and wondering, “What happened? Do I have what it takes?” The parents of a troubled teen are desperate for guidance, a global pandemic upsets regular church life like nothing you’ve experienced before, an unsettled dispute between church members is brought to your attention for conciliation, a couple is enduring significant marital issues and is asking for counseling, a young man is struggling with life-dominating sin patterns, Sunday’s sermon still needs preparation, your wife and kids are missing you, and the list goes on…
Perhaps you are a pastor and have your own story to tell. Or maybe you know a pastor with a similar story. The story doesn’t have to end there! BCM desires to come alongside discouraged and struggling pastors in trusted partnership to help them build a vibrant culture of biblical soul care and equip competent laypersons through the sufficient and superior Word of God. We invite you to join us! Contact [email protected] for a 30-minute consultation on how you can partner with us in rewriting this story.