My minor child is struggling, and I don’t know what to do!
Dear Friends,
In the Churches that BCM serves there have been many parents recently coming for help. They are at the end of their rope, confused, scared, hurting, and not knowing what to do. They desire to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord being faithful and obedient to God, as we see in Ephesians 6. They are receiving many different recommendations from well-meaning people, sometimes even fellow believers, that are often not Biblical and can even be harmful. Are you aware there is currently over 300 different psychology-based theories and approaches being taught and practiced in counseling?
Our most recent Apprenticeship Program workshop was titled Anxiety in Teens- Practical Helps for Helpers which was based on this growing need of biblical specialized equipping and training in the church. When counseling a minor, first and foremost our approach is to come alongside the parents. Using the Care Team Model of counseling, the parent is almost always in the counseling room for the session as the child’s advocate. Our world is becoming more and more broken and evil every day. There are many ways and places to receive counsel, but only God’s Word is sufficient to get to the cause and solutions for our problems that are not physical in nature. There is also a significant gap in training certified counselors with mentoring that moves beyond going to a school, a conference or reading books and then having the practice and experience obtained under local supervision. BCM desires to serve the local Church by standing in this gap to strengthen The Church‘s discipleship ministry for God‘s glory by becoming a Church of Biblical Counselors not just a Church with a biblical counseling ministry.
“Being able to hear different views and learning from each other is so valuable“. This was a quote at our last Workshop by one of the participants. Our workshops are structured with both teaching and case studies then working through it together in breakout sessions. The table conversation is led by a BCM Supervising Counselor. Counselors in training find great value from this aspect as it provides ideas and coaching from an experienced Certified Counselor.
Mike Hanson